- 1. The domain will expire within the next 14 days or has already expired. In this event, your best step is to return to the existing Registrar and renew so you don't risk losing your domain. Once that has been completed, contact us to transfer your domain.
- 2. The domain was registered within the last 60 days. Under current rules, you must wait until 60 days has passed and then proceed with the transfer.
- 3. You do not have access to the current Administrative Contact e-mail address (the designated contact person) - the Administrative contact's approval via e-mail is required. If your domain's Administrative Contact e-mail address is not valid, you will not receive the important e-mail confirmation message. You should first update the e-mail address with your current Registrar, and then apply for transfer. This is the most common reason for transfer failures to occur.
- 4. The domain has the status of “Registrar Lock”. Your domain must have the status of “Active” in order for the domain to transfer. You can check the status of your domain by looking up the “WhoIs” record for your domain. Under the “Status” section of your WhoIs record, it will state either “ACTIVE” or “REGISTRAR-LOCK”. If the status is “REGISTRAR-LOCK”, you will need to contact your current Registrar and have them change your status to “ACTIVE”.
- 5. You must also obtain the "authorization code" from your current registrar prior to submitting the domain for transfer.